Chambersfield Economides Kranos: Your Legal Advisor for Cyprus Company Registration

As an entrepreneur, it is natural to always search for ways to expand your business effectively and efficiently. Whether it is for the introduction of new products or exploration of new markets, expansion is the key for growing your business operations. Incorporating an offshore company is one of the many ways to expand your business and enter potential beneficial markets. One of the countries that have gained the attention of several entrepreneurs is Cyprus. Cyprus Company Registration Cyprus even though it is a quite straightforward and simple process, it is wise the process of your application to be carried out by a professional law firm that specializes in corporate law. The procedures take about one day to fulfill the legal formalities and less than a week to establish a new business corporation. In this post, we will inform you about the steps of opening a new company in Cyprus, so as to have a clear idea of the requirements. • Select the type of company you want to establi...